Hi dear ones,

You know how they say “write the book you go to the bookstore longing to find?”

That’s how Arkitekt started—I needed a space that could hold me as I felt myself changing from an old self and an old life into a new self and a new life. But I could not find this kind of space, which left me feeling isolated, desperate, and overwhelmed.

Without a space to hold us while we become more of who we are, we often cannot go on that journey, and so we end up stuck in lives that feel increasingly small and lifeless.

I ended up making the space I longed for: a space between what I was leaving behind and what I was moving towards, a space where I could ask questions and deconstruct identities and feel my feelings without having to attach my exploration to answers or doctrine or dogma or agenda, or a timeline.

And the growth I’ve experienced since then feels nothing short of a miracle.

Read more about the Origin Story of Arkitekt.

I want to ask you a question, and that is: What is your life’s blueprint? Whenever a building is constructed, you usually have an architect who draws a blueprint, and that blueprint serves as the pattern, as the guide, and a building is not well erected without a good, solid blueprint. Now each of you is in the process of building the structure of your lives, and the question is whether you have a proper, a solid and sound blueprint.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

Arkitekt started in 2011 as a small circle of women in a studio in my backyard.

As we grew into circles all over our city, we formed an LLC, became a not-for-profit in 2019, and then went underground in 2020 in the wake of COVID, my son’s cancer remission, and my return to teaching full-time high school.

Now, after over a decade of boots-on- the-ground experiential research and practice, we offer Circles for women standing at a crossroads and wondering what’s next.

Why is it called Arkitekt?

Because we describe the process of aligning with your True Self as a journey through stages of building, tearing down, and rebuilding, over and over again.

You have an original blueprint buried inside of you, but it got buried through whatever adaptations you needed to make to survive your life experiences.

With space and time and kindreds to help, you can reconnect with your original blueprint and live according to your fullest design.

When you reconnect with your Original Blueprint, the messages, intuition, knowing can flow straight through. All of these things are constantly trying to communicate but when you are out of alignment, your Blueprint cannot match up with you in fullness—it loses clarity and connection.

Arkitekt circles are a place where you can rediscover your original blueprint through storytelling, study, and community reflections.

We offer:

  • WORDS (Curriculum + Coursework) so we have language to name our experiences

  • SPACE (Circle Practice) once a month 3 1/2 hour Circle (both online & in-person offerings). Facilitated guidance in community storytelling, radical listening, and generous reflection. We call this the Practice Room- it’s the space where you get to practice Coming Home To Yourself

  • COMMUNITY (Kindreds) Joining a Circle helps you heal in community. It offers you the people to witness your journey and support you along the way, as well as connecting you to the greater network of Arkitekt Circles.

Why would you do Arkitekt?

If you feel like you’ve lost your way and lost yourself, Arkitekt is a space to remember who you are and return to yourself.

When you orient towards personal healing, you are also catalyzing communal and generational healing.

We call this the SO THAT component.

We practice Coming Home To Ourselves SO THAT we might help others return home.

A person fully aligned is a person fully alive- an unstoppable force of love and activism upon the earth.